Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pylons: Local Setian Groups

Pylons are local Setian groups.  The minimum membership for a Pylon is three individuals. The title for the head of a Pylon is a Sentinel.  In order to act as a Sentinel the Setian must by at a minimum a II°Adept of the Temple of Set.  If the Sentinel is an Adept then a member of the Priesthood of Set (III°+) must act as the Pylon's Sponsor. The Sponsor need not be in the same geographic area as the Pylon. Pylons tend to focus upon discussion of Xeper and its practice, Practical Magic to aimed at Prosperity, Defense and Health, Initiatory Magic  and establishing connections within the Temple

In practice Pylons larger than nine individuals often find it beneficial to divide into smaller Pylons, allowing for multiple Pylons to operate in the same geographic area. In such circumstances the large community will often come together periodically for more elaborate presentations, workshops and Working while the smaller Pylons will be more focused as Magical practice groups.

Pylons are known to be in operation on all six inhabited continents of the globe. It is estimated that there are roughly 20 Pylons active at this time. Roughly 40% of these Pylons are outside of the U.S.A. The longest duration American communities are in San Francisco, CA, Austin, TX and New York City. Other areas with long term activity include Finland and Australia.

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